medicare coverage verification methods

How to Verify Medicare Coverage: The Best 3 Verification Methods for Providers


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Medicare is one of the largest healthcare payers, covering about 62 million Americans. Healthcare providers must appropriately verify medicare coverage for so many consumers.

In 2020, Medicare handled more than 1.2 billion fee-for-service claims. This means that Medicare coverage can speed up administrative tasks and lower the number of claims that are denied.

This post covers the best three Medicare coverage verification strategies providers can utilize to give the greatest treatment while being financially stable.

What Is Medicare Coverage?

Medicare is a government health insurance program for Americans 65 and older, disabled younger people, and those with end-stage renal illness. Medicare is administered by CMS, a subsidiary of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, and was formed in 1965.

Over 62 million Americans were enrolled in Medicare in 2020, including 52 million seniors and 8 million disabled people. Medicare was one of the main federal spending sources in 2020, accounting for 21% of the budget.

Premiums, payroll taxes, and general revenue fund Medicare. If they or their spouse paid Medicare taxes while working, most people skip Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) premiums. The monthly premium for Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) depends on income.

Justifying Such Urgency: What Makes It a Cause to Verify Medicare Coverage?

Service providers must verify Medicare coverage to get reimbursement. Medicare is the main payer for millions of Americans, with over 62 million beneficiaries in 2020. 

Claims denials are costly and time-consuming to dispute, so providers should verify coverage. Verification also helps providers comprehend Medicare coverage requirements and payment documents.

How to Verify Medicare Coverage? Best 3 Methods

best 3 methods to verify you medicare coverage by hms usa inc

Method #1: The Benefits of Robust Healthcare Systems: HMS Medicare Coverage Verification

HMS is a medical billing firm that offers a full-service medical verifying platform. The ultimate goal of the company is to enable care providers to not get bogged down by non-clinical issues, thus they could concentrate solely on the business of realizing care.

To verify Medicare insurance eligibility through HMS, follow these steps:

  1. Visit
  2. Please fill out the form and give us your name, e-mail, and phone number, and finally choose ‘Free Consultation‘ as the option to consult with us.
  3. The responsible support representative will at once access your patient’s Medicare coverage and may help you with the confirmation.
  4. Another option is calling HMS at +(866)-822-5271. This number will put you in touch with professional advisors who can provide Medicare coverage verification support.

Method #2: Asking for and Checking the Enrollment Status of the Beneficiary Through the MAC Online Provider Portal.

Automated Clearing House (ACH) set of institutions is the planning actor whose function is the processing and verification of claims by providers and suppliers of Medicare-covered services, namely the fee-for-service (FFS) option. 

They develop their own provider portals, which are available to providers and suppliers via the Internet, just like they would if the work were done internally.

A MAC (Medicaid Agencies) registration is also applicable to individuals who aren’t yet registered; they can do it by contacting their MACs or through the online portal provided by the MAC’s website. 

After Complete your registration, you can monitor the portal and do check-ins to find out the eligibility of a Medicare beneficiary

Here's How to Verify Medicare Coverage for Your Patient Using the MAC Provider Portal:

The Health Insurance Claim Number (HICN) or Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) of the beneficiary should now be entered.

  • Please note down the first name and last name of the recipient.
  • First set date of birth of beneficiary.
  • Following up with adding this data to the system, you can check the status of the enrolled beneficiary.

 Remember, this process is self-service, implying that the details believed to be inaccurate will need to be entered by you to ensure the information is updated accordingly.

Method # 3: Using Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) Telephone Call Identification

The Medicare Administrative Contractors that are also present deliver the same phone verification system to the suppliers who want to know if their beneficiary is eligible for reimbursement. The telephone number by the state that is required by a MAC can be found on its website.

We will carry out authentication of the candidate’s phone number which can be done by punching in the plan (system) for confirmation. National Provider Identifier (NPI), Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN), the only Working capital loan syndicate in their town, and Tax Identification Number.

One more fact is It is self-service coupled with the fact that it operates 24/7 is its unique selling point.

Here comes the real meaning of why this information is necessary for the provider if the provider is to correctly verify an eligibility inquiry and provider authentication.

It is now derivative for the provider to confirm if the patient has provided a genuine Medicare ID. Once the Medicare card is confirmed it’s now possible for the provider to enter the patient’s details to access their Medicare information. 

  • The patient’s HIC# or file number.
  • The beneficiary’s first name and last will be mentioned at the beginning of the statement.
  • The designated ordinate is the beneficiary’s birthday.

Importance of Verifying Medicare Coverage for Healthcare Providers

Healthcare providers must verify Medicare coverage to offer compensated services. This verification helps providers avoid refusing claims, which can cost money and complicate administration. Medicare processed almost 1.2 billion fee-for-service claims in 2020, proving its impact on providers’ revenue.

By verifying coverage, providers comply with Medicare standards and reduce the risk of audits and penalties. Healthcare professionals can assist consumers understand their insurance benefits and make informed decisions by verifying Medicare coverage.

Final Thoughts!

The essential task for physicians when it comes to Medicare patients is to verify medicare coverage to determine the care processes. Prior to scheduling the appointment, one thing is crucial, and that is verifying if the patient falls under the eligibility requirements or not. This step makes sure of which services Medicare will cover in that specific patient’s case and moreover designs the patient’s responsibility in cost-sharing. It is highly recommended that participants set a pre-payment to avoid hiccups along the way of the income recycling process.  Furthermore, this early verification discourages costly payment surprises in the accounting solution to create a more valid billing process.


Contact Medicare directly or use Medicare Administrative Contractors’ online resources to check Medicare coverage. Medicare verification services from third-party billing businesses are also available.

The MAC’s provider portal lets providers check Medicare coverage online. To check coverage, clinicians can enter the patient’s MBI or HICN into these portals.

Providers can use the MAC’s web portal or call to verify Medicare Part B coverage. They need the patient’s MBI or HICN to verify coverage.

The Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Finder on Medicare’s website can verify Part D coverage. They can also ask about the patient’s Part D plan about coverage.

Contact the MAC or use its web portal to verify Medicare Part B coverage. To verify coverage, providers need the patient’s MBI or HICN.

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